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Return and Refund Policy

We do not return or Refund any order which has been deliver to customer. You will be allowed to check your product  at the time of delivery. You can cancel your order at the time of delivery if you see your product is not good quality. As we take cash at the time delivery, if you canncel on delivery time you dont need to pay. We accept only cash on delivery ,so we dont refund anyting. You Should only pay money once you are satisfied with quality. You cannot return the order later on  if you are satisfied and paid the money at the time of delivery. Order Can be only be canncelled the folowing reason

  1.  if product is not good quality when the delivery arriving at home 
  2. 24 hours before delivery date
  3. with in 2 hour of placing  order , if your delivery is very quick and is earlier than 36 hours.

As we dont take money online so we dont refund online.

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